To all my fellow teenagers, hisgchoolers, etc: an open letter and guide on how to succeed in _______
Hello! My name is Onewhogetsbread and I am now a college student. Last time you saw me was last year during my senior year which was 100% virtual
Ive gone into college as a sophomore thanks to all the AP and dual credit options through these classes! I recommend any highschooler to at least take 1 or 2 AP classes, bc trust me....theyll save you so much money and time in college. Even if you arent taking any AP courses, please dont feel pressured to load up your schedule with 5 of them. It takes a bunch of dedication to handle a ton of them so please really assess yourself before filling a schedule with a bunch of ap classes. YOU are the student and the human in the situation! AP classes dont control you! Pick whichever path (with Ap or no AP) that will be best for you, and just remember that youre amazing and that you can do great things!!!
Anyways, I have saved tons and tons of resources for Ap classes that could even be used if youre taking a non Ap course. This includes quizlets and for AP Bio, all of my teacher's Virtual lectures during the pandemic.
Heres the stuff for ap bio:
Heres my quizlet for history, science, and tons more:
I encourage you to use these to braden your knowledge and to study ahead for any classes you might be in or planning to be in for the future! Also, if you are just interested in say, US history, and you want to read up on all US History in about 3 hours, you are also more than welcome to view and read through my notes!!!
Below here is just some advice:
1) Friends, please thank your teachers and parents and listen to them. I wouldnt be here without all theyve done for me. You will miss all of them once college starts, and trust me all of these amazing people will always be rooting for you!
2) Hold on to your favorite or most highest scoring worksheets, tests, essays, etc from your classes and keep them somewhere organized. Look, at some point in your life, you are going to feel down in the dumps, defeated, or sad bc you feel that you havent accomplished anything. The schoolwork that you did really well on back in sophomore year, the essay that won you the contest in the school district during junior year, and that WW2 presentation that you and your close friend worked on for a week that got a standing ovation from the whole class in Junior year (with an A of course!) as well as your friends and family will always be there to remind you that YOU HAVE DONE GREAT THINGS BEFORE and that YOU CAN DO GREAT THINGS NOW TOO! (Also I save my notes from my classes bc sometimes I just remember one topic from Bio or history and I start wanting to look it up on google for more info when im bored)
3) Talk to the quiet kids, be friends to the unpopular, and welcome the lonely kid to your table at lunch. This is something that I honestly shouldve done more in High School. I was a jerk, I avoided people when they were just being friendly up till my sophomore year. And yes ill tell the truth, I was also a bully many times. When my friend group said something mean about someone I wouldnt stop them, if I saw some kid being picked on by the popular kids I wouldnt stop them. If I saw a kid sitting by himself I did turn a blind eye. These are some of my greatest regrets from high school, not the Fs or the clubs I never got to try but the fact that I was not always the nicest person when I couldve been. In my later high school years, I do say I miss these people and that just shows that I should've made more of an effort to get to know someone new more or even a small act of kindness. Was it too hard to do? If I have gotten any wiser, it would be shown through how Id interact with someone new nowadays. I would say yes.....therefore it shouldve been a yes when someone new asked to sit at our table at lunch, or wanted to join in our convo. Yes I made mistakes, I could've had more friends, but one turns down the chance to make a new friend once they shut them out like I did. Please follow the golden rule always. Look past popularity and see the person wanting to make a friend. Lift up people you meet, not silently lower them down. Dont what I did in the past to anyone, but please do what I do now and use a lens of kindness on everyone. Your classmates need friends like you, BE THAT FRIEND TO THEM :D
4) Ask the teacher for help when you need it in class, no matter how small the misunderstanding in the lesson topic might be. Who cares what the others may say. If you are confused on anything relating to the class, even something such as a confusion on if the American Revolution started in 1776 or 1775, big or small, kindly ask the teacher for help. When a teacher asks is everyone ok or if the class got it, they REALLY want you to let them know. Your teacher want for you and your class to succeed! Don't be shy to ask help when you need it. The class is silent bc most of the time the others are confused to, so be the brave soul who can break the silence and in turn allow for the class to gain a better understanding of the material all with your question!
5) Befriend the staff at your school that arent teachers. These people will be there every day for your whole school career and are some of the nicest people on the planet. The workers at the school will always be there for you to cheer you on each and every day, so please take time to show appreciation and celebrate these essential people in the life of students!
6) "Do it Jeffery, get the Fruit! Its more healthy than that other stuff they serve. Oh...and dont use plastic in the microwave" Lunch rules are basically these 4 things: be respectful to the staff and the other students, bring your own containers to heat up food in the microwave (there are chemicals in that plastic mac and cheese cup that you prolly dont want in your body so just use a separate microwavable bowl instead), laugh and tell stories etc to people at lunch (no one likes to eat in silence), and eat a complete meal, even if the portions of everything are small. A few bites of a salad is better than no salad at all.
7) Dont try to be...just be YOU ARE YOU! BE YOU! WHO CARES ABOUT THE OTHERS JUDGING YOU, THEYRE PROLLY JUST JEALOUS BC YOU ARE YOU! I mean, who wouldnt be jelous of such an amazing person like yourself <3 Youre cute, youre funny, youve got great personality and a bright future ahead of you. Your friends and family will always be there for you so dont fret that you're "not that", but be amazing bc you ARE all That!! Ie dont try to be popular, the class clown, or anything like that. People will truly like you for you over any of these roles, which are made up anyways (thanks alot disney shows telling the youth that popular kids are the best and that nerds are weird). Basically dont turn it into a disney tv show. Just be yourself and live right here right now in real life.
8) dont overwork yourself
9) join clubs and groups like NHS
10) enjoy your high school years. You will miss them dearly :D
Best wishes to everyone and I hope all of you succeed and have many blessings now and in the future! Take care!
(U are amazing btw)