can guys confirm this (MALE only)

WARNING: triggering and also this is just my perspective and if you come for me your stupid

Okay so i'm gay and i'm actually feminine (soft) but not becuz of that because it's also becuz mines not cut

so apparently if your cutted you accepted your musculinity so you are indeed a MEN your supposed to fit the stereotypical musculinity that every people streotypes for but if ur not cutted well ur not musculine enough and honestly i dont care that mines not cutted i'm grateful and accepts my femininity but i feel like i feel bad for those who wanted to be a MEN but there not cutted like bae what 😭 but u do u i guess

(no judgement/bullying was intended nor done on this post)

edit: oh shet uhh i just discover the word yes circumcision thats it although i feel like whoever thumbs down this is offended somehow also i'm not even liking my own post why is reddit automatically liking it 😭😭😭