to popular people and people with friends

what is it like? im in 9th grade, and ive never had friends, nor been a little popular. what is it like to have friends? have people know you? hearing your name in the halls? having people to sit with and talk with? not alone? is it fun? is it stressful? do you wish you had none and or never became popular? do you with you had more friends and or wish you were more popular? not having to sit alone and wait for the hour to end? people enjoying spending time with you? going over to peoples houses and fun birthday parties? how did you do it? were you yourself? is it an act? what about you do people like? is it looks? kindness? funniness? sarcasm? do you enjoy it? do you look down at lonely people and feel bad? or do you laugh at them? to you fit the popular kid stereotype? or do you break it? do you listen to peoples issues or do they listen to yours? is it both?