1099K form for $600 sale?
Please help me I have 2 questions, so I just realized the rules changed this year.. do I have to report my 2 sales that were just a hair over $600 dollars? I’m freaking out because Ive read some places on google that 1099k is only for $20,000 in sales or 200 sales but then it also says in some places sales over $600 need to be reported? So will I need a 1099k form?
I started my account years back when I was 17 an it’s all in my name except for the bank account, my mom let me use hers for my sales payout.. will that cause any trouble? Because it’s my eBay account but my money goes to my moms account an then she pays me. Will I be ok or will this cause issues?
Thank you for any help I get the stress is killing me!!