
I’m not posting this to infection threads because it really doesn’t seem infected. No pus, no heat, no redness. It’s just tight and has split open. I’ve learned that my arm creases there (who knew?). It is on the top middle of my forearm, not my elbow crease or wrist or anything like that. I got this done 4 days ago. It’s painful but not too bad. Only when I move my arm around. (I contacted the artist and they said to just watch it, they may have gone over it too many times and they’ll gladly touch it up). Is this going to heal super messed up or am I worrying too much? It’s my second tattoo and first one didn’t do this. Thanks! (I am washing it 2 to 3 times a day with clear dial unscented liquid soap and then a light covering of Lubriderm unscented lotion)