High powered Computers
How does your organization handle high powered computers that developers or informatics people need?
So I work for a large organization but this is something that has fallen through the cracks.
We have informatics people who need beefier computers then the standard user. Usually involving more RAM and a 3D video card. These users are also remote.
So our current setup (started before I arrived) is to buy a Dell Tower server with a 3d card. They are pretty beefy hardware but also they just run em until they die. They aren’t configured right, ie. No raid configured, no idrac, no ups and just shoved in a random cubicle. I have no idea if they are getting software patches and pretty sure no firmware patches.
I have identified 8 such devices so far just in two teams in my division so far. I am sure there are many more in my division and other divisions also.
Now our virtual server environment is not setup for 3d hardware. Neither is our VDI setup for 3d graphics.
So I am looking for recommendations. My thought is to drop the server tower and go for beefy laptops, something along the lines of gaming laptops. The. I do t have to convince our infrastructure people to upgrade to accommodate 3d graphics.
This would also solve the issue of remote people needing to call me to power them on after a power outage.
But I just wanted to get everyone’s opinion first. This isn’t exactly my wheel house.
Edit: so these are being patched (according to the teams) but they are not in being managed in sccm.
Some of these are Linux also and the firmware is not being done. I got a blank stare when I asked that.
I was also told in so many words they are handling it and to stay in my lane. Our security people are aware now so they have until end of day tomorrow to submit a plan it be shutdown.