Game keeps crashing ever since the last 2 updates

Hey guys,

so I really hope that someone can help me out with this. About 2 patches ago they made a change to the game data itself or sth, I don't clearly remember and couldn't find a post about it, but it was that update where everyone was memeing around because it was so big.

Now ever since that update I ve had to deal with constant crashes in every area of the game. Arena, RTA, dungeons, you name it. It's the worst in toa though, I can't do even 4 stages without so much as a crash. I ve tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game multiple times and the new patch didn't fix it as well.

A short description of the crashes: they mostly happen on loading screens. The game just freezes for a time, however if it happens at the start of a battle and I wait a few seconds, then tab out of the game and back into it, I can actually see that the battle kept running. So lets say I start a battle in auto mode and the game freezes once the battle commences, I can wait for a minute, tab out of the game then back into it and I return to the victory screen. The problem is that after some time of being frozen my whole device can go unresponsive and the game just exits out from that. Whenever I get a single freeze I can basically quit and restart the game already because once a freeze has happened, it keeps on happening until the game crashes (takes a maximum of like 3 freezes).

Some odd things I'd like to mention: I play SW on my Tablet with 16 GB of internal storage and a 64 GB SD card, however my internal storage is at 14 GB being used. My SD card still has lots of space, yet when I try to move SW onto it, it fails with a message of "not enough storage available". Also when I wanted to update the game on the last 2 patches, it said I didn't have enough space for the update and I had to uninstall the game to be able to fully install it with the new updates, even though I still had 2 more GB of free space. I don't know if my storage has any part in it though to be honest.

I hope I posted this under the right flair and someone can help me out with this! I'd greatly appreciate it.