I recently found out my childhood bully wrecked his motorbike

Since grade 2 i can remember this little bastard that would pick on me. It was for years he tormented me. His parents were useless and blamed me every time our parents got called at school for him starting crap. He put rotting milk in my new bag and down my back in grade 5. In grade 9 my new car was keyed and another student said they saw him do it. There wasn't any cameras for proof however. There were many other things he had done but he basically made my life hell at school until we graduated.

Even after we weren't in school anymore he was a nuisance around the city. I live a bit aways from him so would see him on a sport bike speeding around pretty often. He also has a social media account that he posts his dangerous driving. The way he drove i always thought he would crash one day. I didn't really realize it but I haven't seen him around for a few months.

Yesterday i saw he posted that he had crashed his bike into a guardrail while him and his friend were filming a video a couple months back and had to be taken to Melbourne by helicopter and nearly died from blood loss. He had to have his lower leg amputated and get skin grafts.

Not sure how i feel about it. He was a cunt and did it to himself with his crazy driving but dang it would suck to lose a leg.