Anyone used nicotine pouches (snus) to quit smoking?

As a smoker for far too many years 25+ there were times where I quit for few years and there were times where I cut down quite a lot on amount I smoked, basically it's a constant battle for me. I just can never ever seem to quit smoking completely, I will cut down them gradually build up again etc..

I finally decided to give pouches a go. Basically hoping to break the habit of actual smoking a cigarette. It's been 2 weeks now on pouches, having only 2 per day 14g per pouch strength, seems to help with the craving a lot, I still crave for an actual cigarette but not as much. I don't enjoy pouches them selfs, they taste like crap...its like having cigarette butt under your gum dripping nicotine it's pretty grim. The initial nicotine rush is somehow nice but not very enjoyable I would still much rather have an actual cigarette.

The plan is to cut down to one and then quit all together

Anyone else tried this method before ?