Can anyone recommend their doctor from Northern/Central NJ? I'm struggling to find one and I need to get this done before July.
I've already looking at the lists of doctors from childfree and tiktok. The ones near me are impossible to reach for appointment or are booked months out or does not accept my insurance. I am on Medicaid (NJ Family Care) which involves a 30 day wait period for surgery and the supreme court is hearing a case that will strip ACA coverage for preventative services, which a bisalp falls under, this July. I am on a ticking clock here to get my tubes out. I did get an appointment for in mid-May but it's with a doctor who is not on the lists so I have no clue whether she will approve me, and if she does I may not get a surgery date before July anyway. It's a total crapshoot.
My DMs are open. If anyone here got sterilized by a doctor in the upper Northern region of NJ, or in NY by the NJ border, or around Central NJ (Trenton area) please, please let me know their name. Especially if you have NJ Family Care!