bisalp recovery without clean running water
EXPLANATION HERE, QUESTIONS AT THE END OF THE POST. Thank you all so much for your support I really love this community. I have my bisalp in 5 days!!!❤️
So my decision to get sterilized has caused a bit of a divide between my mother and I which I expected, I was hoping I could recover at her house but it seems like that is no longer an option. Which is okay with me, I’ll be in pain and vulnerable so it’s definitely not a great idea to be recovering around someone who will be upset with me.
That being said my only other option is staying at my dads house. We have well water and some pretty bad plumbing issues, holes in the pipes, dirty water. Sometimes the shower just stops running for minutes at a time. I don’t shower there I usually use a friend’s place or my moms house but I’m anticipating being house bound for about 7 days. What should I do?
I can go 7 days with no shower (begrudgingly because that’s going to fucking suck and I hate that) but I’m worried I may need to clean my stitches. I use bottled water to brush my teeth and wash my face. Sink is fine for my hair and if I get really desperate I will use the shower but I’m scared if any water gets into my stitches or inside (🐱) me it could cause an infection… I have water proof tegaderm patches so I’m hoping that may help but I’m still worried.
How long did you wait to shower? Will I be okay if I avoid the shower entirely until I’m okay to drive to a friends place? Will not washing my wounds or my body leave me vulnerable to infection? Should I try to get a hotel instead? I’m not sure what to do and I’m a little worried… anyone want to pay for a plumber lmao. I know it’s really not ideal but is it doable? Am I putting myself at risk here