spitting customer

I was on dtr during peak, i’m usually cafe bar but my manager said since i always put on cafe i’ll give you a break today and you can be window. I don’t mind it at all, especially since i’m barring every day for the majority of my shift.

I am not wearing a head set, and dto (a borrower partner) was having trouble taking an order with one of our regulars. His order like this “trenta cold brew with extra ice and a shot of cream” and dto entered cold brew, extra ice, shot, cream. He started to yell at dto that he doesn’t want a shot just a shot of cream and dto explained her confusion and corrected it.

Customer finally pulls up to the window and I say hi goodmorning it’s going to $$ for that cold brew today and his man just stared at me and spit at me and he says is it really that hard to take my order. Me in disbelief just turn away from the window because now i’m debating if i want to lose my job or not. I just said what the fuck and dto turns to look at me and she’s in shock so i call over my manager and he tells me to go get cleaned.

I go to the back and I clean myself and wipe away my tears, when i come back and my manager says i’m sorry that happen to you that very unacceptable and i just asked if i can go home since we have an extra person (the borrowed partner) and he said no because it’s not a valid excuse to leave early. So i go back to window and before I clock out I asked him, since the customer is a regular are we still serving him? My manager said yes, we still need to serve him as long as he is respectful. All i said was great but when you as a manager get yelled at by a customer you are able to not welcome them back..? and he said well he did apologize so we need to serve him.

I have no one else to tell this to so i’m posting it on here. I am so tired of this company and my manager I want out but i am literally trapped here until I graduate ASU (it’s my senior year so i’m almost there). My manager telling that this shouldn’t upset me, enrages me even more because he’s never the one to be dealing with these crazy customers. And the one time one customer raised their voice at him he immediately kicked them out of the store and “banned” them from coming back. I wish he did that when i got spit at.