Game Recos for fellow Spirit Island lovers?

Hello, my fellow Spirit Island lovers. I'm absolutely crazy about this game because of how much fun and strategic depth it offers. It gets me interested to also find other games similar to Spirit Island. Of course nothing will really be exactly the same, but perhaps provide a similar experience?

Some important features I love in Spirit Island 1. Strategic depth 2. Power escalation (feels incredible to build up to a huge turn) 3. Variably player powers (always exiting to examine the different playstyles and strategies) 4. Strong solo play 5. Fantasy theme, ideally (sci-fi and horror are okay but not my first choice)

Other features I wouldn't mind in your recommendations: 1. Strong narrative elements 2. Miniatures or very nice artwork either in cards or otherwise. Art is important for immersiveness, I do like the art in Spirit Island, especially for Spirit boards 3. Competitive games that tick the same boxes (maybe minus the solo play part)

Some of my existing favourites: 1. Mage Knight 2. Gloomhaven 3. Terraforming Mars 4. Dune: Imperium 5. Everdell 6. Castles of Burgundy 7. Aeon's End 8. Marvel Champions

Others I'm considering: 1. Oathsworn 2. Euthia 3. Too Many Bones 4. Tainted Grail 5. Ark Nova

Do share some of your favourites and recommend me some games :) I have asked this before some time back, but more recos is always appreciated!