Are Eve online and X the only games that do massive scale and massive numbers of ships well?
Let me preface by saying I love tons of space games, hell, I don't think I've met a space game I didn't like. The genre of future-space/sci-fi is just...absolute perfection in any form of media it's applied to. I want to get lost in everything from The Red Planet to The Martian to Star Trek and Elite.
But in terms of a "true" space-faring futuristic civilization, I think the one thing that a lot of media doesn't get right, especially if it's a high-future "gleaming spires and titanium hulls" kind of future, is the TRILLIONS of people it would take to make something like that possible. And, at least in my mind, contrary to the kinds of environments you see in something like an Evochron, or Elite, I don't think an area of "civilized" space would be that empty. There would be everything from civilian traffic to military fleets to trader convoys to billionaire hobbyists with too much free time flowing back and forth.
So, I'm looking for other games in that vein, if there are any. The gameplay doesn't necessarily matter much - it can be 4x, first person, third person, RTS, PC, mobile, whatever, as long as the sense of bustling activity is there. I want to zoom in on a space station and see traffic lines. I want to travel along the space lanes...with hundreds of my "closest friends" LOL.