Problem viewing/switching between apps.
Long time user. Love your product and wouldn't be without it! However, there's a bug that sometimes prevents viewing/switching between currently running apps.
It normally works when I press the square button on my phone's navigation dock.
It doesn't crash, or generate an error message. It simply doesn't work/does nothing, until I restart my device.
It is easily worked around by restarting my phone, but it's not always convenient to do this.
I've tried to use the 'restart smart launcher' option (Menu / Troubleshooting / Restart Smart Launcher, but this doesn't resolve it. The only solution is to restart my phone.
is there a limit the number of apps you can have open before this feature stops working? It seems to only happen if I've not restarted my phone in a while, or have lots of open apps.
I've just put a scheduled reboot in place to see if this helps.
Smart Launcher Build 6.4 050
Android Version: 4.
Android Build: AP2A.240905.003.F1
Model: Pixel 6**.**
Hware Version MP1.0