I have been thinking about this for years now
So many years passed. We "lost" so many good WOT channels: Mighty Jingles - got bored, does WOWS comentary more than WOT)
CirconFlexes - f-ed off with out a trace;
SirFoch - literally too angry to play)
DezGames - just is not fun for me
QuickyBaby - idk why but there was alway an air of dishonesty about him. He used to be openly pro Wargaming and their unapologetic support; much less now but still the stigma of a sellout stuck.
Skill baboon- from my knowledge never sold out. Gave his opinion good or bad. But he gave it.
I still come to him for some tips and tricks. Even being a veteran player myself.
I guess what Im trying to say. Praises for being the last genuine wot channel. And I miss when we had more of people like him on YT.
P.S - I would love for him to drop that "fake accent" (yes its fake, listen to him when he is genuinely upset. He speaks perfect english with no f-cking accent! Its hilarious to witness!) and speak less. Instead of filling each second with words. But despite it all, I appreciate his: wot tank spec excel sheets, humor (no matter how cringe and childish it is) and ability to speak up his mind with out being a sellout :))