Life of a short man in a nutshell

  • Goes to work everyday
  • Gets mogged by everyone they work with including women
  • Sees customers come and go
  • Teenagers and kids taller than you
  • You see Couples where the man just so happens to be taller than the woman
  • Coworkers discussing their romantic lives
  • You just stand there and listen
  • The tall guy in your work gets another promotion
  • You are still doing the same Job role you started in.
  • The tall guy isn't even in shape, has poor hygiene and is lazy.
  • You maximise your looks and body well groomed and good hygiene but still invisible because of your "personality"
  • Tall Guy still seen as the better employee
  • Leave work and go home to an empty house
  • Do usual chores
  • Either go get groceries or go the gym and get mogged again and see couples everywhere again.
  • THe only texts you receive are off your phone data supplier and fast food chains.
  • Go on your phone, watch TV or play a game and you still see heigtism even when you are trying to escape.
  • Before bed check this subreddit for comfort because it's the only place where people will understand your problems.

This is pretty much my life typically but not everyday or I would go insane. We really are living in a clown world. Life is a joke.