I can’t work in tech anymore

This holiday break has confirmed what I’ve largely been feeling the past 6 months, I cannot stand to work in tech anymore.

I’ve been at a pretty well known publicly traded SaaS company the last 2.5 years, before that was selling commercial property insurance.

It’s just not for me, making it through ~6 rounds of layoffs, upper management who have never sold a day in their life making decisions on our day to day, consistent quota increases, moving goalposts. I’m so over it. I barely missed my monthly quota for the first time since I was promoted back in January 2024, and I couldn’t care less. I’m eligible to apply for AE in February, and from everything I’ve heard have a pretty good chance to get it, but I just don’t really care and can’t see myself doing this any longer.

It’s completely soulless and is slowly degrading my mental health. But as I’m thinking through it I’m realizing that 1. I like making money and 2. I love sales and found I’m pretty good at it so don’t want to move out of it completely.

What do I do? Do I wait until AE to see if it’s better? Does anyone truly sell something they love? Do any of you wake up and genuinely enjoy going to work? Am I being a pussy and everyone feels this? Do sales jobs that don’t make you want to die even exist?

This is a bit of a rant because I’m feeling a little aimless and defeated, but if anyone has any ideas, wisdom, thoughts of encouragement or pep talks they can send my way I’d greatly appreciate it.