Keith's lead playing is criminally underrated

Ok sure he may not be as technically gifted on guitar as Mick Taylor but christ that 68/69 period where he basically played all the guitar is some of the greatest, most fitting guitar playing in the history of rock and roll. Jesus his solo in Wild Horses is beautiful beyond belief. I saw a thread the other day asking the greatest solo's in Stones songs and all the answers nearly were Taylor solo's like Can't You Hear Me Knocking, Sway, Time Waits For No One etc- great solo's absolutely but honestly give me Gimme Shelter, Sympathy For The Devil, Wild Horses over those all day any day. They may be a bit more basic but as far as driving the song forward and fitting like a glove they are about as good as it gets.

Tl;dr - I'm sick shit of people saying "Keith is a great rhythm player but not a great lead guitarist". He's both motherfucker