Yet again a customer got angry because we didn't have the item he wanted
So tired of these customers who gets angry when we don't have the item they want.
I work at a small liquor store in a small town, so we obviously can't have thousands of items.
So yeah, a customer was venting today because we didn't have a specific beer.
"What do you mean you don't have it?! I bought it here before!"
Yes, we had that beer THREE years ago, but we didn't sell enough - that's why we had to take it out, so we could make space for other beers who hopefully sells better.
"But I was at that other place 40 mins from here, and they sell it!!!" - yes that other store is located in a big city, so they have a bigger store and they have alot more space than we have. No matter what I said he just wouldn't stop scolding me so I just stood there smiling because I didnt know what else to do. I wanted to shout: "Well you must have a really good life if your only concern is that we don't have that ONE beer you are looking for, when we only can have 30 type of beers in this small store - and it exists THOUSANDS of beers, how the f*** are we supposed to have thousands of beers in this store you ignorant sh**??? People around the world are starving, and you are here thinking I can do some magic tricks and the beer will appear"
Most of the customers have an understanding that we can't have every wine, beer, whisky etc in the store, but there are ALWAYS 1 or 2 customers every week who just won't understand. I will gladly try to find something that may be a good replacement if a customer is talking to me with respect and manners, but when a customer starts scolding and shouting I immediately lose interest in helping them.