Looking for tips for an independent dog
TL;DR I'm great at training my reactive dog, but my partner's non-reactive dog is too independent and I don't know how to manage her! I'm looking for any tips or techniques you have for how force-free can work with "stubborn" dogs.
I've had a reactive dog, Hazel, for the last two years, and her reactivity/anxiety is mostly due to some pain issues. Through a lot of vet visits, pain treatment, and positive reinforcement training, she's become a fantastic dog. She's an eager-to-please German Shepherd and I've loved learning how to use force-free methods with her. We're totally in tune, I know exactly how she'll react to any trigger, and I know how to support and manage her issues. We're a well-oiled machine.
However, I'm really struggling with my partner's dog, Rowan. Rowan is a sweet pittie mix, who goes totally bonkers whenever I enter the space she's in, or any time someone visits our home. She has very little body awareness and will climb all over us with her pointy little feet. She's got long nails because her feet are sensitive, so she frequently scratches me and occasionally draws blood. She'll also jump all over Hazel, which is a problem because it exacerbates Hazel's pain issues. Hazel is pretty sensitive to Rowan entering her space because Rowan has bonked her so many times. Rowan also has an extremely piercing bark. She barks whenever she needs or wants something. This can be needing to go outside, or wanting me to get off the couch because I'm sitting too close to my partner (to clarify, this has never been accompanied by any signs of aggression or escalation). She only responds to commands 50% of the time unless I'm waving treats directly into her nose. It's gotten to the point where every time she barks, I need to leave the room or else I can't stop myself from yelling at her. Rowan is an extremely sweet dog and objectively better than my dog at most things, but frankly, she's driving me crazy.
My partner is aware of the issues but has been dealing with a lot of personal stuff that makes it very difficult for her to deal with Rowan right now. I would generally be excited to tackle a new training challenge, but I have a big problem -- Rowan is the most independent dog I've met, and she simply doesn't care to be trained. I've devoted the last two years to learning how to work with my neurotic shepherd, and not to toot my own horn, but I've pretty much got it down pat. But my dog is happy to learn and great at problem solving, while Rowan is...not. She finds both food and attention rewarding, but if she doesn't want to do something I could be shaking a live rabbit beneath her nose and she wouldn't give a shit. I've tried to do shaping exercises with her and she gives up immediately. I'm totally at a loss, and I'd love to hear any tips and tricks from people who have "stubborn" or independent breeds. I just don't even know where to begin, and if I keep doing what I've already tried for training, I'm gonna lose my mind. I'd also take extra enrichment ideas for cold weather! Really anything that could make management easier until I figure out how to actually work with her.