I’m so fucking pissed right now

(02/12/25 @12:52pm)

So I 22f work at a grocery store, I will not say the name but will say it is well known in the midwest of the USA, for some context I fulfill online orders for people.

So today everyone pretty much dipped at 10 am, ight bet it’s a slow day, whats the worst thing that could happen?

There is only one correct answer, EVERYTHING. That’s not the worst part, I’m doing multiple people’s work, getting yelled at by customers because I can’t help their entitled asses as I’m only put in one zone for the most part, so ”I’m sorry Barbara that I don’t know where the non-frozen dumplings are” ”I’m sorry Greg, I wish I could pull a 44 count of fish sticks out of my ass” ”I’m sorry Patricia, I don’t know if we even have bug spray in stock right now because it’s still winter” you get the whole gist.

Besides customers, one of my coworkers comes in all high and mighty with a shit eating grin, proceeds to tell me and the manager present that he got pulled over for reckless driving, he almost HIT a POLICE cruiser HEAD ON, how him and his buddies were laughing about how he was basically and trying to intentionally damage his car. Everyone else may of been laughing, but I wasn’t. It’s NOT funny, it’s fucking stupid and ignorant he even did that, I lost so many family, friends and neighbors to careless drivers, either completely sober or drunk. This dumb fuck is 20 by the way, he had a racing helmet and gloves on too, you want to know what the fucking cop does?

Gives him a $250 ticket and basically a slap on the wrist. That cop should be fired and arrested immediately, my coworker deserves jail time and his license revoked and never be able to get it back again.

Call me crazy and a complete bitchy Karen, but understand from a woman who LOST family, friends, and neighbors from someone else’s actions. I’m so pissed right now, I told him he wasn’t funny at all, and I hope he loses his license permanently.