Already had a bunch of flying monkeys come at me, and I just brushed them off/accepted their stance for what it was. Now that I have a script, should I send it out to them? Or only send it to them when they talk to me again?
A family member who was a FM told me a few months ago that he can't speak with me if I can't reconcile with my Ndad. He literally said "it's not 'cutting you off', it's different". I kinda like this family member for his financial tips, but it's more about the fact that I don't want people thinking of ME as the bad one in the relationship, I want them to all realize that it's my Ndad who messed everything up.
Should I send my script to this family member? If it helps, my Ndad told many other people as well, Idk how many people he's even told, but they're probably all either his therapists (who just validate him and say "wow, that must be SO HARD, you're a really good person!", trash) or his contemporaries.
(P.S. as an aside, since he's told so many people around his age that I'm "the bad one" I've pretty much stopped meeting/talking with anyone who's in that age group, and now I make friends with people around my age instead. It feels great, 'cuz most of them don't even know who my Ndad is, so they don't have any preconceived notions about me based on him. Also, everyone who knows him says "he's a really nice guy!", which, from reading this sub, apparently is a typical way that outsiders describe Narcs)