Punks who read

I was inspired by another thread that (accurately) divided liberalism from leftism was reminded of the ongoing questions about politics in punk spaces so, I’m wondering, who out there has decent politics and wants to recommend political theory to the next generation?

I had other punks turn me onto Marx (Capital and his essays), Arendt (specifically Origins of Totalitarianism), Judith Butler, and Bakunin in the day. Later I found bell hooks, Alinsky, Foucault, Hardt and Negri (the Empire trilogy) and most important to me, personally, Bifo Berardi. Some of this stuff is old, some of it is from the last 20 years and easy to read. Some of it I don’t totally agree with, but I’d recommend all of it.

This is all off the top of my head but I’m interested to see what else out there shaped your politics. Indulge a teacher. Who are you adding to the reading list?