unpopular opinion: The focus on realism is becoming ridicolous and inconsistent

This is probably gonna be a very unpopular opinion but the realism is simply becoming to much and is in some cases so overtuned that it becomes unrealistic again

B41 had great realism. Stuff like smashing windows, leaving clothes out to dry, walking over glass, warming up near a campfire etc. etc. etc.

The game world worked the way you would expect it too while still beeing gamey enough to be fun for the casual player

B42 just threw that shit out of the window

Here are some examples

opening beverages: Soda cans need to be opened now which would be fine... if done automatically and not via a fucking context menu

bottle caps need a bottle opener now. what why? bottle caps can be removed with quite literally anything from a lighter to just using a table or other surface with a overhang

corks do somewhat make sense since these are harder to open without corkscrew for example via heating up the air beneath the cork via a heat source but it makes sense that this would be rare knowledge

farming, animal care etc. : Realism in this department does nothing except annoy the shit out of everyone and waste everyones time

skill grinding: This is dumb af because dissasembling not giving XP and VHS having a level cap is literally the opposite of beeing more realistic. This just shows that "uuuh realism" is only a excuse for them to make the game even more annoying. Realisically speaking the changes should be reverted and books should give XP

comfortability: So this is a big one for me. This does not make sense at all.

I'm gonna be honest I never wore a police vest but I DID wear a medical corsett for 1 or 2 years all day everyday. Was it annyoing? Yes was it uncomfortable? Yes Did I turn into a whining pussy after 3 hours of wearing it? Fuck no

And a medical corsett is far worse than a police vest as it crushes your balls when bending down and impairs breathing

ratchet wrench: This also makes no sense, why do some things can have a wrench and ratchet wrench but some thing need a ratchet wrench but can't use a ratchet wrench? Why can't I use a ratchet wrench as screwdriver? There should be a bit set with it or did he just only take the ratchet with the bit attached?

Things just don't make sense anymore and are just annoying

And sure you can say "just use mods/sandbox settings" but honestly if it gets worse then I won't have the patience to download 30 mods and spend 2 hours in the sandbox settings while restarting the game 40 times to fine tune to settings just to have a enjoyable experience

and it would probably be even worse for new player