So is anyone else mad about cruise control?

Waaay back if you're OG enough to remember, before the noiseworks update, when I believe the 3D model update was in IWBUMS, cruise control was great. Your engine didn't surge up in RPM when only doing 5 MPH, it just stayed where it should, depending on the gear.

It was so good that you could do 35MPH in 3rd, set the cruise control, and then accelerate just a bit more to go into 4th and then let the cruise control take over, it would stay in 4th and you'd be doing somewhere around 2000 RPM, just like in real life, nowhere close to 4000 RPM. This problem has really been brought to light again since in B42 it seems you can't even do the w spam to get the RPMs down while maintaining speed, now it's either on or off. It's crazy to me that the devs changed this or broke it somehow and have never bothered to fix it in 3-4 years.