My way to sledgehammer. Guide
Hi all! A little intro. I’ve started my run with custom sandbox settings, when electricity won’t shutdown for year cause I wanted to conquer Louisville. I ve rushed to the city from day one and set up a base on the north near the river.
Now it is September. I ve successfully managed to plant and gather many vegetables and everything is pretty much under control. Except one thing - I can’t find a sledgehammer to reshape my base.
So, I decided to craft my one. And here is what it takes.
- metalworking skill lvl 9 (actuall you may craft sledgehammer head from lvl 8, but the recipe for it is auto learned on lvl 9)
- The most advanced forge
- To build forge you would need, as one of the ingredients, medium tainted leather;
- To make leather you would require fleshing tool. Which is really rare! If you see it - grab it!
- Furnance. Medium one is ok.
- Tongs! Search for them
- Clay! Many.
- Full set of metalworking books
I wrote the key milestones. The rest is not as hard to create/loot.
Regarding the process of levelling up:
- Loot operations. Grab all metal scrap: spoons, forks, pots, knives and etc. I am using mod “Can I smelt it?” Which allows to check any item if it is usable.
- Come back to base.
- Chop trees.
- Make charcoal
- Smelt loot
- Forge items
- Resmelt forged items.
- Start from stage 1.
As side benefits, on level 7 of metalworking skill you wiuld be able to craft mace. Which is a great one shot short blunt weapon.
Hope this guide may be helpful)