My way to sledgehammer. Guide

Hi all! A little intro. I’ve started my run with custom sandbox settings, when electricity won’t shutdown for year cause I wanted to conquer Louisville. I ve rushed to the city from day one and set up a base on the north near the river.

Now it is September. I ve successfully managed to plant and gather many vegetables and everything is pretty much under control. Except one thing - I can’t find a sledgehammer to reshape my base.

So, I decided to craft my one. And here is what it takes.

  • metalworking skill lvl 9 (actuall you may craft sledgehammer head from lvl 8, but the recipe for it is auto learned on lvl 9)
  • The most advanced forge
  • To build forge you would need, as one of the ingredients, medium tainted leather;
  • To make leather you would require fleshing tool. Which is really rare! If you see it - grab it!
  • Furnance. Medium one is ok.
  • Tongs! Search for them
  • Clay! Many.
  • Full set of metalworking books

I wrote the key milestones. The rest is not as hard to create/loot.

Regarding the process of levelling up:

  1. Loot operations. Grab all metal scrap: spoons, forks, pots, knives and etc. I am using mod “Can I smelt it?” Which allows to check any item if it is usable.
  2. Come back to base.
  3. Chop trees.
  4. Make charcoal
  5. Smelt loot
  6. Forge items
  7. Resmelt forged items.
  8. Start from stage 1.

As side benefits, on level 7 of metalworking skill you wiuld be able to craft mace. Which is a great one shot short blunt weapon.

Hope this guide may be helpful)