How long does the average character last? & Is multiplayer fun or just for friends?
Just bought the game and I gotta say I seem to be terrible, 4 characters in and not one has lasted a day, it’s really rough.
How bad am I? How long do the average “runs” last? A week? A month? A year?
I see there’s multiplayer cause I got this game to play with a friend but he’s available every couple weeks. I was thinking of trying to do multiplayer with randos but I dunno if this game is pretty solo or with friends or if the game/community is oriented toward drop-in with randos sort of thing or how that even works. What I’m concerned about is, if it’s anything like GTA online I’ll just keep playing alone haha.
UPDATE: Thanks to all your input I am on day 2 in a house I’m boarding up filled with ammo and food. Things are looking good! (I am playing 4 hour days). Now my issue is entertainment as I took the illiterate trait haha