Was offered to be induced

I’m at a loss for what to choose to do. I am currently 37 weeks and 2 days along with my first son but 4th child.

I met with my OB yesterday and she told me she will induce me at 39 weeks if I want to do that. I have to tell her if it’s a yes or not next week. I don’t know if I’ll even make it through to the 39th week…I am high risk…I am sitting at 3CM dialated and babies head can be felt right there! The OB was shocked sounding last weeks appointment about that and reassured me that when he’s ready to come out he will come out and could be totally fine even at 36 weeks…he’s stayed in so far…

I am so uncomfortable and have been so for two weeks now…I felt when baby dropped down to where he’s been sitting at since and it’s truly affecting me negatively since…I hurt when I walk let alone cleaning up after my toddler or just trying to help with the house work stuff ect…(my husband has been helping big time but I hate not doing stuff and I prefer to reset my home nightly so it’s cleaned up for the next day…toddler is a tornado and I like my living room picked up and I usually do it if I can otherwise my husband does it but he shouldn’t have to do everything plus work…). Yesterday to go into my OB appointment I had to park pretty far back (I’m high risk and am seen at a hospital and hour away-yes I am delivering there also!) and the walk to the building took a few minutes and going up to my appointment then sitting and being checked then back out to the car plus driving home I could barely stand up and walk upon getting home….

With all that said I don’t know what I want to do here. I’ve heard of inductions leading to C-section or them not working…I heard the medication can make contractions so much worse…I just am teetering over the choice however as I am so done…I’m tired…but I’ve also always said I would never induce and interfere unless deemed medically necessary and this doesn’t fall under that this would be just because…my OB knows I’m just so uncomfortable and I get why she offered it and it’s my choice-there was zero push from her she said to let her know next week it we want to do that…

So I guess my whole thing here is what would other moms to be or those who’ve had inductions in the past say to having an induction done at 39 weeks that currently is not medically necessary just can be done and opted into…

Sorry for the lengthy post-I just wanted to explain the things going on with me specifically besides recently this pregnancy has been a total breeze! I have an umbilical hernia that has to be repaired after baby is born and plan to have a tubal litigation (that’s what it’s called I believe) after baby is born! But just stuck on do I agree to induce or just wait it out and wait for him to come on his own terms which has always been my goal forever and my previous 3 kiddos all came on their own time…I just don’t know how much more of this discomfort I can tolerate and I’m sure he will be ok…I’m sure things will be fine if I wait him out…but there’s that end in site if we plan to induce…