Baby's out safe and sound

Our second born son was born at 7:02 this morning at 8 lb 5 oz via C-section, surgery went smoothly aside from my blood pressure and oxygen dropping again. He looks just like his dad and his brother and later today his dad will be coming up to see us. My incision site Burns and I already want the catheter out but otherwise I guess I'm doing okay.

Will update post later

Update 2/2/25 Well it's been a rocky couple of days, swelling has gotten pretty bad in my feet and legs and I'm pretty much dead on my feet from exhaustion. Towards the end of my pregnancy my blood sugars also through the roof so they've been trying to get my sugars regulated before they would send me home, so far they have returned to what they were before so we're good there. A somewhat disappointing complication is that my incision from the C-section has started to open which is not a good thing and I'm in so much pain, we were supposed to go home yesterday but due to these issues they kept me one more day. Once I see the OB this morning and little one sees his pediatrician we should be cleared to go home. My experience this time is very different from my first C-section and what I can take away from this experiences that I would still do it all over again just to make sure that our baby came into the world safe.

Two other issues I've been dealing with is my blood pressure has been through the roof due to the pain and my oxygen keeps dropping, I have been warned by my nurses to be careful when I go home and I will do as my doctor will say but I really want to go home. I miss our toddler and I know he misses me, I am somewhat worried about how it's going to go for him to meet his new baby brother but I am hoping for the best.

Baby passed just about all of his newborn tests and he's such a sweetheart and a snuggler, he's been flirting with all the nurses and cuddling with everyone who's willing to pick him up. I will admit during my pregnancy a bunch of different things that occurred that soured the experience for me and left me feeling detached from both the pregnancy and our second child but seeing his dad be able to hold him on the day he was born has helped with some issues I've been dealing with because of it.