Did anyone’s husbands stop sex completely during pregnancy? How do you survive?!!

Everyone claims oh their husbands are soo obsessed with them pregnant. Mine I feel is, physically , mentally yea but like sexually I’ve never been turned down more in my entire life. At this point I make my comments and gestures in good faith knowing I’ll be turned down anyways. It hurts but also trying to not let it affect my relationship and just tell myself after this pregnancy I hope we are back to normal.

It’s also so awkward when strangers say, “oh have sex to induce labor” and I just look at my other like lol if only. But as soon as he gets drunk he wants me like no other so it just realllyyyyy puts me in a bad head space. He shows up and goes above and beyond for me in every single way and thing outside of sex. This one area has been weighing me down a lot. I hate taking it personal when I’ve tried to spice it up, make it fun, initiate in different ways but nope nothing…..

Does it get better? Has anyone gone from absolute no sex in pregnancy and then it goes back to normal after????!

Baby is coming soon so at this point I’m powering through it