What are some songs that were massively hyped based on their titles/descriptions/snippets but didn't live up to it post release?

Lady Gaga's Mayhem tracklist contains some really interesting titles and based on the title and its snippet from Paris, Abracadabra has generated a lot of hype in the fandom. Other track names like Garden of Eden or Zombieboy have gotten a lot of buzz too, but whether they still remain the fan favorites post release is uncertain and interesting to follow.

One other example is Taylor Swift's I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can), I feel like the fandom was really excited for that one, and people were ready to make it their toxic life anthem, but it didn't really take off when it was actually released. Same with 1989 TV's Slut, exciting title and seemingly the next single but was overtaken by Is It Over Now? to be the actual single.

What are some more examples of such songs that were hyped massively before release because of their title/description/snippet (so this question is NOT asking about a hyped comeback single) but didn't take off? Or vice versa, what were some "sleeper" hits that did take off?