I fucking hate this nigga bro I can’t stand this shit no more
Let’s be so fucking real this nigga hasn’t been good in years and I’m tired of this nigga being seen as a god when he’s just a fucking black ass crackhead with no fucking life and is balding at 30 I hope in the next 10 years this nigga goes broke and regrets everything he’s fucking done this man’s mental has deteriorated beyond fucking belief to the point where he was wiser and smarter when he was still in fucking school like my nigga you dropped out and somehow got dumber but it’s really cuz of this niggas fans who just constantly hype him up this nigga got these niggas making up terms with no meaning like aura nd shit this nigga music is trash and been trash for the longest yall be tryna get on niggas for missing the old carti like the new one is such a huge improvement his new shit is such a downgrade from what he used to make like nigga if you gon change let it be a change for BETTER these niggas was already having trouble understanding tf you was saying before now you just sit and sweat your ass off in one of your random drugged out friends house and lie talking bout you music nigga how you gon call yoself music and first not even drop it and 2nd be subpar from what could even considered be actual music if I nutted ts would sound better than whatever yo cracked put ass is doing now nigga talking bout he a rockstar he ain’t shit but a loser with loser ass fans who don’t get no butt and sit on Reddit all day posting musty ass memes half the fucking sub don’t even talking about him anymore niggas just be posting fake stories about themselves and kinda funny memes I had to get ts off my chest I just broke up with my gf and opening this sub and seeing nigga tryna hype up some shitty ass leak really made me explode and yall niggas out bad tryna pay for carti like that nigga was gonna fuck you