[US, NA] [H] Kingdra/Greninja Boxes, SSP BBs & PC ETBs, Sealed FS/CR/LO/PF/151, PSA 10 Flareon VMax, PC Stamps, Jessie&James FA, Vintage, Modern [W] PP, Trades
Hi everyone! Looking to sell or trade for my wants. Prices don't include shipping, but most of them are negotiable, so make an offer. I'm particularly inclined to do a discount if you buy multiple sealed products.
Here's what I have to offer today:
1) Sealed Product:
- Kingdra & Greninja Shrouded Fable boxes: leaning towards trade only - valuing them above TCG market because they were chosen carefully for their centering and corners
- Surging Sparks PC ETBs: 3 available, $150 each
- Surging Sparks Product: Booster box - $220 (small hole in wrapping); ETB - $75; Booster bundles - 5 available, $40 each; Checklane blisters (sold as a set of 2 with one Pachirisu and one Wooper) - 2 available, $18 each
- Fusion Strike 2-pack blisters: 13 available, $18 each
- Paldean Fates tins: 16 available, $15 each
- Lost Origin mini portfolio and pack: 23 available, $7 each
- Sleeved packs: Sword & Shield Base (8 available, $8 each), Twilight Masquerade (8 available, $6 each)
- Loose packs: 90% of TCGPlayer
Dollar General Sun & Moon blisters:two 2-pack blisters available, $11 each, one 1-pack blister available, $7
2) Slabs (prices based on Ebay recently sold)
- Flareon VMax PSA 10: $350
- Pokemon Center Miraidon PSA 10: $400
- Pokemon Center Squirtle PSA 9: 2 available, $100 each
- Froslass IR PSA 10: $70
3) Singles (prices based on TCGPlayer)
- Jessie & James Full Art (LP) - trade only
- Vintage: Tyranitar ex $100
- 151
- Promos (151, Pokemon Center, Eevee)
- Modern
- Japanese (mostly modern, TF PBs, some Neo C/U)
4) Personal Collection - only for trades of equal value towards wantlist
Here's what I'm looking for:
1) PayPal G&S
2) Sealed English:
- 151 Pokemon Center ETB
- Other Pokemon Center ETBs from S&V era (besides Surging)
- 151 UPC
- SwSh Booster Boxes
3) Wantlist. Also looking for a PC-stamped Snorlax and PC-stamped Eevee.
Thanks for looking - let's make a deal!
Edit: Aside from the trades I've already accepted, I am not interested in sales below $10 unless they involve trading for cards on my wantlist.