My roommate threw food in my trash can in the midst of an ant infestation, so I'm directing them towards him

I live in a really cramped dorm room, one that can't even fit two people comfortably, let alone 3. For the last few months or so, people in our building have been complaining about a serious ant problem, but we were spared last semester. Yesterday, I woke up, and noticed there were about 5 or so ants on my wall by my plug, well that sucks. Anyway, I leave the room and start my day, I had no classes so I just went to get something to eat and then I did my radio show. Once I get back to my room, I see a brown bag in my trash can. I take a closer look and see that it contains the wrapper to a burger, a few french fries, and a mostly empty soda. And of course, I also see that the bag is infested with ants. I take a look at the spot on the wall from that morning, and there's more like 30 ants. I immediately throw that bag outside into the dumpster, but I felt kind of pissed off that I had to clean up my roommates mess that he threw in MY trash can, and I'm also suffering the consequences. So since then, every time I see an ant on my desk, I just flick it in the direction of his area. His bed is in clear eyeshot of my desk, so I can easily direct them that way. I'm not sure if it's doing anything, I don't BELIEVE ants take "fall damage", but they could just be dying or coming back my direction, but I'm gonna continue to throw the ants in that direction.

Edit: These are some pretty amazing suggestions, maybe the ants are about to become my comrades...

Edit 2: The plan is in motion, lets just say I took multiple of your suggestions. I didn't have one of the items listed so I had to improvise, but now we wait...

Edit 3: I ordered ant traps the day I made this post, they'll be here tomorrow. In the meantime, I did what some suggested with crackers and sugar water (I used soda instead). It worked kind of, there were less in my area, more going across the floor to the target destination. I suppose this is the end.