ELI5: Why exactly is people crafting good gear bad for the game?
Seriously, I don't get these complains about harvest crafting. Let us be completely honest there, there is no difference between someone who grinds currency over the span of 3 weeks and buys their desired pieces, or someone who deterministically crafts these pieces themselves. Other than the fact that one requires using a dogshit trading system and the other encourages actual gear progression. Speaking of progression, harvest crafting is actual helpful when it comes to build diversity because it allows for gear pieces and gear combinations that realistically wouldn't be possible or both, very rare and/or obscenely expensive. One may argue that this gear makes the game too easy and trivial, well guess what - the game is not hard to begin with. You can faceroll the games content with builds that cost 10-20c tops, other than the fact that it gets faster and more comfortable with each upgrade, what is the issue here? If anything people getting good gear over time, and I speak of the majority and not only the 1%, it could allow GGG to design some actual hard content. The economy is broken? Guess what, it is broken all the time. Imagine having an economy functioning mostly on bots for trading and then having the audacity blaming its issues on a feature that actually enables the vast majority of players to have constant progression, build diversity and goals to chase other than the usual uniques.
Crafting is now too easy? Maybe it feels like it, but still 6x T1 gear won't magically spawn in my inventory over night. I still have to farm for it, be it currency to buy the seeds/crafts (which, by the way, is no different from buying the final product kek) or the seeds themselves, which actually makes me run maps instead of sitting in my hideout and flipping currency to an bot. Prior you could slam fossils, essences and maybe find the odd good rare on the ground, make one or two additions and call it day. Harvest crafting enables gear projects on a whole other level, and it is amazing what you can go through and pull off with a plan, the desired base, and combining influence mods. Again, it helps variety. You can't seriously tell me that people actually enjoyed slamming hundreds of chaos, essences or fossils on stuff, hoping for a useable base only to eventually slamming a low tier or wrong craft, which essentially makes the item mediocre at best or actually bricks it, which equals deleting currency because rng is a fickle mistress.
Speaking of rng, there is already too much of it in this game. Often comes in layers to and the stars have to align for things to happen. Having realible and decent gear progression based on the players input, other than plain currency grinding, is healthy for a game where you have to unveil, set up your board, perhaps delve and rebuild your entire atlas every three months from scratch. Not to mention some content being locked behind prophecies and the fact, that again other than buying it from other players, that getting specific boss fights is a whole grind on its own.
Now that I'm done ranting please do enlighten me how getting good gear over time is so hurtful for the game, other than the 1% and perhaps streamers that can dump 8h+ every day into the game. Small hint though, these people reach their goals even without the "easy mirror tier gear" within a week or two anyway. For the rest? The new crafting is a godsend and I'm gonna be complely honest, for me it will be hard to play future leagues without it.