What’s the most oblivion ahh dialogue hero interaction you’ve heard in-game?
I always found Kiriko’s “band-aid” interaction with Moira to be absolutely baffling. Unlike a lot of other hero interactions, it is completely worthless in that it doesn’t further develop the lore or hero personalities in any way. Many hero interactions hint at previous ways they are involved with each other, cracking jokes, or just having a chat. This one doesn’t build on any lore at all, is completely random, and it doesn’t even tell us anything about Kiriko or Moira’s personality. Even Moira’s response (“who do you think I am?”) could have been said by literally anyone.
Why does Kiriko need a band-aid? Her healing ofudas pretty much mend wounds instantly. Why is her comeback to Moira’s response so weak? She could have made a snarky remark about how Moira doesn’t need them because she thinks ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting, but instead all she says is Moira isn’t someone who carries band-aids. Isn’t Kiriko supposed to be snarky and quick-witted? This is completely different from her typical roasting. Why Moira of all people? These two characters are worlds apart and their sole connection to each other is through Genji. Imagine if they had an interaction between Doomfist and Mei. They would have absolutely nothing to talk about because they have nothing in common, yet for some reason Moira and Kiriko have an interaction that plays out like two NPCs from Elder Scrolls Oblivion.