Thoughts on smoking etiquette in Ottawa

I’m from Ottawa (New Edinburgh) and my husband is from NB and has never been to the NCR as an adult. He’s a heavy smoker where there are plenty of smokers, so he’s used to walking and tossing butts wherever.

I’ve mentioned that Ottawa (Beechwood area) might have a different relationship to smoking than he’s used to- ie it doesn’t seem as happily accepted to be smoking in crowded mixed use public spaces (busy sidewalks, tourist areas), that people tend to do more of their smoking in tucked away ‘smoking areas’ near businesses, that smoking isn’t widely accepted in everyone’s home (vs hosts allowing it out of hospitality to guests), that it would look out of place in some areas and that tossing butts is frowned upon.

He’s of the opinion that cigarettes aren’t outlawed and I’m a non-smoker so I’m probably just biased in my perception.

Can anyone spare some fellow Ottawan perspectives on smoking etiquette?