Im garbage at this game. Help.
like the title reads i’m absolute dogshit at this game, specifically bossing. Ive been stuck on Vardorvis for a better part of 2 months now.
I’ve been able to beat every boss pre Desert treasure 2 and i’ve beaten Jad and got the fire cape (after if i remember well the 4-5 try), but not this boss.
I know some of you may be laughing, but the mechanics are just to fast for me. Also I’ve played runescape on and off for the past couple years, so Go easy on me. I really enjoy this game (one of the few games that I can relax on after a stressful workday).
I just wish there was a way to slow down the speed of the game for slow people like myself.
Does anybody have genuinely helpful advice for me to get better at bossing? gear isn’t the issue, but especially during boss fights i get adrenaline rush’s like i’m in the 2nd to final circle in pubg.
Edit: even though it’s not a level issue, I have base 90 stats with 90 attk/92 set/90 def/99 magic/91 rng/90pray
edit 2: I’ve done bossing, I got 50 kd at Vorkath, that’s the only boss I’ve actually genuinely have a good routine on. So i wouldn’t say i’m unfamiliar with bossing, but anything that requires moving and prayer flicking in I’m absolutely toast.