WOTC please give us more ways to gish

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I wish more classes could mix cantrips and weapon attacks. Not for some crazy damage boost, but for flavor and fun.

The gloomstalker ranger creeps through the brush, firing an arrow and sounding a gong as they toll the dead on their now wounded foe.

The champion fighter strikes twice, hitting critically on the second swing. She sacrifices her third strike to disrupt her foe with vicious mockery, asking them, "Are you going to just let me hit you?"

The oath of the ancients paladin calls upon the storm, summoning a gust of wind before charging forward to strike those who have defied nature.

Please, WOTC give us Gish lovers a feat like this:


(+1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma)
You learn to splice your martial ability with spell casting. You gain one cantrip from any class. This cantrip uses the ability increased by this feat.

When you take the attack action, you can replace one attack with a cantrip of your choice. If the cantrip scales with level, this casting of it does not scale.

This wouldn't step on the toes of Valor bard or Bladesinger, but would bring so much to Gish lovers everywhere.