I lost my best friend of 10+ years
In the middle of last year I lost my best friend of 10+ years suddenly when he was away for work, and it seems like everyone else has gotten over it and just forgotten that it’s happened.
I understand that people deal with grief in many different ways. I just don’t understand how all these people who were so close to him just seem to have gotten over it so quickly and can just continue with their lives every day.
If it isn’t every day it’s every second day I find myself hit with this overwhelming sense of dread that he really isn’t ever coming home and I’ll never get to see him again.
He was the only friend I have ever had that I felt like I could be 100% myself around and there are so many hobbies that we shared that there is no one else I know that has interest in. I find myself wanting to do these things I love and realize I can’t/don’t want to anymore cause he isn’t around.
I know it’s cliche but he was really like a brother to me in the truest sense. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to get over it and if it’ll ever get easier or will I just have to live every day of the rest of my life missing my closest and best friend I’ve ever had.
I feel like I have so much more to say I just truly struggle to put it into words and whenever I try to bring it up to my friends or family it just seems awkward or like im strange for missing my best friend.