Forget the songs. What album has the best vibe?
Which Oasis album ihas the best "vibe?"
I'm not talking about the songs...but the feel of the album that Oasis cd that you put on when you just need to feel a certain mood or vibe and you know that the moment you hit "play" every song you hear is just going to do what you need it to.
In my humble opinion, my ranking would be:
- Dig Out Your Soul - Can't get enough of the crunchy, gritty psychedelia. When I listen to this album, I feel cool.
- Standing on the Shoulder of Giants - Love the druggy haze / "comedown" vibe of this whole cd. The sporadic trip hop beats just ooze good vibes.
- Don't Believe the Truth - Super cool they did like a bare-bones, throwback to the 1960's, acoustic-ish album. Feels like a lost garage rock record. When I need some acoustic Oasis, I go here.
- What's the Story (Morning Glory)? - I mean this is about as classic Brit / power / overdriven pop as you can get. This cd just feels good when consumed. In my opinion, this whole album's sound can be summed up by the first 3 seconds of Roll With it. And I love me all 60 minutes of that sound. Sometimes in life you just need that vibe.
- Be Here Now - I'm a sucker for having my ears being beat into submission by the wall-of-sound.
- Definitely Maybe - I really do enjoy the unbridled, raw, punky rocky sound of this album but I find that the vibe just doesn't quite fit into my days like it used to (my younger self would disagree).
- Heathen Chemisty - I mean they played it pretty safe with this album. I love this cd, but it's conventional / dad-rock sounding. The production is too clean...too pleasant sounding and not enough grit.
- The Masterplan - again - not talking about the songs - but I just can't listen to this album from start to has never flowed correctly to me (yes I know it is a b-sides collection...but an album like Pisces Iscariot by The Smashing Pumpkins...same concept as The Masterplan...but man that album FEELS like an actual album...same fuzzy psychedelic vibe from start to finish...that's how you sequence a b-sides collection.)
Now I have to go listen to Pisces after like 8 straight days of DIg Out Your Soul.
Oasis are the best.
EDIT. thanks for all the responses ! I loved hearing all the love for the vibe of be here now. Going to give that a listen again and remember and relive all the hype !