It’s been five years

Since Friday March 13, 2020. How did things change for you with that crazy weekend? Where are you now?

I remember getting my kids off the bus and hearing one of the other kids excitedly telling their dad about the two week spring break they were getting. Two weeks, that’s a laugh looking back. Both my kids weren’t back in school full time for like 14 months.

I was furloughed Sunday afternoon and told not to go to work Monday. Spent all day Monday getting on unemployment only to get a phone call from my boss essentially trying to extort me to work under the table or I didn’t need to worry about coming back to my job. He didn’t say it exactly like that, but that was a gist of it.

I eventually decided to start my own business, launching on August 1, 2020. Would have been sooner but I couldn’t find proper PPE for the business anywhere. Felt like I was crazy and honestly went around talking to friends and family hoping that people would talk me out of it. No one did. Not even my father who I saved for last because I was SURE he would think it was a bad idea. When he said it was a good idea, I made the leap.

My wife had been telling me for years that I was going to start a business by the time I was 30. The day I decided to go for it? That was the day before I turned 31 and I don’t think she’ll ever stop reminding me about that.

And that same boss that tried to extort me then tried to bully me out of opening my business and issued a cease and desist letter (addressed to the wrong person) attempting to enforce a noncompete that I didn’t sign.

Crazy to think that it’s been 5 years. Can’t imagine (kind of don’t want to) what the next 5 will bring.