David Tennant podcast update

David Tennant is bringing back his podcast. It's been noted that he no longer mentions Good Omens in the description, and he's removed his interview of NG.

Small maybe, and belated, but it's something.


I am editing on 6 Feb to paste in a comment that I've made below because I was feeling slightly more sympathetic towards DT's situation but I'm annoyed again now.


Have a look at this Instagram post.

The way it's phased is clearly pointing out to anyone who is paying even a small amount of attention that an episode has been removed.

"Of all the episodes still available to listen to on the David Tennant podcast" and then I believe* that they list every single episode that they recorded other than NG (now removed) and Michael Sheen, while focusing slowly in on a cardboard cutout of MS's head.

I appreciate the small (minuscule really) amount of effort made to draw people's attention to the fact an episode has been removed without saying "hey we took down the NG episode", but it seems EXTREMELY tone deaf to do this while making a joke about "forgetting" Michael.

Honestly this has left me more pissed off about it tbh.

*I haven't done the legwork to check this, I'm too annoyed