Muzzle fit question?

Hi all - I’ve been using Muzzle Movement (size Tolly) for my ACD mix for a few months, but I’m not thrilled with the fit. I’m new to muzzling, so am by no means an expert, but was hoping for opinions on fit or recommendations for other options.

A: the back corners are pretty snug on his maxilla/temple area. Worried about skin breakdown here with prolonged use. I know Muzzle movement says you can boil/stretch the muzzle for a better fit, but I hesitate to do this without a backup muzzle on hand in case it goes wrong.

B: the dorsal nose pieces have some rough edges, and the weight of the muzzle is predominantly held up on his nose by these cross bars (instead of the biothane nose strap). We put a tiny piece of foam on the center bar to try to protect his skin and get it off his face a bit, but the most rostral/end of nose piece still rubs right on his nose

C: the muzzle rides up his face a lot, impacting his visibility. He doesn’t love the muzzle, but tolerates it without big signs of stress. However he gets the most frustrated when the muzzle rides up his snout and blocks his eyes. This photo is the muzzle at rest, but if he pushes his nose against anything, it slides fully over his eyes.

Thoughts on the fit? Any adjustments I could make at home? I would also love recs for other brands so we can try another fit and see if it’s better. Tolly was the only possible fit option provided to use by Muzzle Movement. I would like him to have room to pant and take treats/drink water. He has never broken skin on a person or dog, but has corrected other dogs stronger than I would like him to. He is very dog reactive, and the muzzle gives us peace of mind when socializing him with new or known dogs. Appreciate any tips!!