Hi everyone, I'm an Italian guy who recently had an unpleasant experience with the developer of Feather Client. I state that, for me, Feather is one of the best clients out there and I use it myself. In fact, I am very active in his community, especially on discord. Right on discord there is a special section where you can give and share suggestions for the client, so I gave my opinion on how aesthetically feather client is really badly done and not very intuitive. The developer, however, denigrated and insulted me and my suggestion by telling me to "make myself some news that no one is interested in". To which I replied that I just wanted to help and improve the client with my suggestion. Result? He blocked me on discord and removed my suggestion post complete with a final insult. So I came up with an idea: What if I made a client?

So I came up with an idea: What if I made a client?

So I ask for help here: Is there anyone who knows how to program to create the client? I would only know how to take care of the aesthetic side and I don't know everything else. For now it is an ambitious project but I would like to try.

Who wants to join?