Parents not controlling their kids during flights

I was unfortunate enough to be sitting in front of a mother with two young twins (around 2-3 years old) for my 5 hour flight. As soon as they board the plane and sit down, the kid starts kicking my seat. I stay quiet assuming the mother would stop him, she did not. Eventually the kid stopped but me and the people next to me noticed there were a lot of empty seats, so if the kids started to be annoying we could move.

For the next two hours the kids sleep but when they wake up, one of them starts pushing the armrest of my seat down WITH HIS FOOT repeatedly.(at that point i had all 3 seats to my self as the couple next to me moved, and i really didnt wanna give my free row up)

Then, and I wish i was joking, the kid crawls under my seat and under my legs. All the mom did was say “no!” and then proceed to stare at the kid without actually saying or doing anything more. The kid remained there under my legs, for a whole minute before i decided to get up, so the kid starts crawling under the next seat bothering the woman in the seat in front of me, and thats when the mother came to pick him up.

During the flight, the kid has also thrown Cheetos over to my row, as well as stood on his seat, look over at mine and coughed in my direction multiple times.

Parents, it is your responsibility to bring entertainment for your kids during your flight. Yes you cannot always control their tantrums, but this mother did not really care to even try to control her kids.

Edit: to the people worried so much about me not speaking up for myself or about my “low self esteem”, i didn’t post this for advice, just wanted to share a MILDLY infuriating incident. Had it actually bothered me a lot, i would have changed seats as it said on the post as it would take less energy than “making a scene” as some people suggested.

Also, i did inform the stewardess about the kicking before we even took off because i wanted to check if it was a full flight or if i had the option to change seats.