Military thinks I’m trying to draft/registration dodge because DMV mistakingly put me as male on my driver’s permit (I’m female)

(Repost because had to censor bar code, thanks to those who pointed it out!)

2 years ago, the DMV mistakenly marked me down as male on my driving learner’s permit. Yes, I was born and still identify as a woman. Yes, I went to the DMV after and corrected the paperwork and my actual driver’s license says female. Yes, literally every other piece of documentation I have says female. This is ridiculous and I will be flabbergasted if it leads to prosecution. Not sure how seriously to react lol, I can’t believe this stupid country is still doing selective service for anyone in 2025

(Repost because had to censor bar code, thanks to those who pointed it out!)

2 years ago, the DMV mistakenly marked me down as male on my driving learner’s permit. Yes, I was born and still identify as a woman. Yes, I went to the DMV after and corrected the paperwork and my actual driver’s license says female. Yes, literally every other piece of documentation I have says female. This is ridiculous and I will be flabbergasted if it leads to prosecution. Not sure how seriously to react lol, I can’t believe this stupid country is still doing selective service for anyone in 2025