My Unwanted Comedy Show
Some people think migraine is just a headache, but anyone who’s been there knows that’s only part of the story. For me, the real ‘fun’ begins when migraine brain kicks in. Like last week, I called my dog ‘fork.’ Yes, fork. His actual name is Turbo. And then there was the time last week when I put my glasses in the freezer and spent half the day squinting at my computer (absolutely sure it would trigger a worse migraine), wondering why everything looked like a Monet painting. Luckily I found them again when I wanted ice cream in the evening. My partner laughed when I found them again, and I have to admit that I did as well!
Migraine brain feels like living in a sitcom where I’m the star of every ridiculous mishap. I’ve walked into rooms and forgotten why I was there, stared at the toaster waiting for tea to boil, and even tried to ‘unlock’ my house with a chapstick..
Please tell me I’m not the only one with a brain that turns into a poorly written stand-up comedy routine during a migraine.