Is it to late to start/ should I ?

Hey everyone, you all have much more experience on this topic and I could use some advice. I went to college ~10 years ago and really just needed the piece of paper. I didn't care about GPA and graduated with a 2.9 (not great I know) with two different business degrees. I have been out of school working since then and have paid off all debt, have a home paid for, and a decent nest egg set aside. Since being out of school I have experienced a lot to shape what I wish I knew 10 years ago, and I am now thinking of going back to school.

I know I would need to go back for undergrad for some science degree/ minimum pre med reqs. Would my previous GPA count against me still and is going back to school 30+ to start pursing a lengthy process to become a doctor still a viable option?

Side note other options than med school are considered, but med school is very appealing to an outsider. I am just now starting to read on the topic, but going back to school and going back into debt has a huge mental block for me. I worked hard to get completely out of debt, but my career is not something I enjoy. It simply paid well and seemed the best path forward for my wife and I. She also has a job and would plan on continuing to work while I went back to school.